Friday, 21 February 2014

Bar Kochba caves

On Thursday we went to the Bar Kochba caves and went spelunking there. We learned about Yochanan Ben Zechai, Josephus and Bar-Kochba. Through learning about these three people, we further went into detail on their opposing outlooks of responses towards the Romans. We then crawled into the cave and went spelunking. It was a great experience!  

Caves we spelunked in

After the Bar Kochba caves, we went to Bet Guvrin. Bet Guvrin has an amphitheater (double theatre) which was used for entertainment-also known as gladiators. While there, we were divided into 4 teams and participated in 'colour wars'. There were a few challenges we had to compete in. My team (blue) won!  

We had our lunches just outside the gates of Bet Guvrin. We made our way to the Archaeology Seminar sight (a.k.a- dig for a day). We first went on a dig in one of the caves. I found a couple interesting objects. I dug out animal bones and pottery pieces from under. When we got out of the cave, we sifted through all the dirt just to make sure that we didn't miss any valuable artifacts.  Our tour guide brought us through this tiny cave, where we had to slide inside and out every few seconds. There were candles lit throughout the tunnel. We were given archaeology certificates (to prove that we were actual archaeologists for the day) and pieces of pottery that had already been gone through. 
That was the end of our Thursday Tiyul!

The cave we digged in

Artifacts that I found while digging

All the buckets that we sifted through outside of the cave

Back at the Chava, we didn't have any events in store for us besides an 'optional' night out. This is the first night out that I didn't go to because of a full load of assignments to work on. 

Next blog post is on host Shabbat!!

1 comment:

  1. I love your posts Samara. Keep up the goood work. Love, Naani.
