Thursday, 24 April 2014

Tiyul to Tel Aviv (Zionism)

The Underground Museum
Our topic on Thursday, was the British mandate and the establishment of Israel as a state. We started at the Underground Prisoners museum in Jerusalem and we talked about the three different fighter organizations that were established. 

Hapalmach Museum

After going to the Underground museum we went to Tel Aviv, to the Palmach museum. There we heard first hand, Murray Greenfield who was the captain of one of the ships that smuggled Jews from Europe to Palestine. It was an incredibly interesting story from a charismatic speaker. Afterwards, we went into the museum which I thought was very interesting although our translation devices apparently didn't do its justice compared to the Hebrew. 

Independence Hall
Indelendence Hall

Next we went to Independence Hall, the room in which Ben Gurion announced the State of Israel, in the middle of the Independence War. We heard a recording of him officially announcing it, and the orchestra playing Hatikvah. I got chills thinking about the pride that the nation must have felt, especially only a few years after the Holocaust. 

The room in which Ben Gurion declared the State of Israel
Canadian pride

Meir Dizengoff

That night we had a free night on the Namal. We saw a beautiful sunset there (pictures below)!  Me and my friend Hannah, went to Max Brenners and bought chocolate pizza and chocolates. 

Chocolates that I got from Max Brenners

Sunset by the Namal 
Sunset by the Namal

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